
15 December, 2008

Daily Dose 15-12-2008

It's not that "today is the first day of the rest of my life",
but that now is all there is of my life.
-- Hugh Prather

* * *

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
.....that enthusiasm means everything. Not just a little…

If you are involved in some kind of project right now,
or launching any personal endeavor, your enthusiasm
(or lack of it) will directly determine how successful
this undertaking will be.

If you are not excited at the core of your being by it,
drop it right now. If you are excited at the core of'
your being, demonstrate that in everything you think
and say and do.

You will not have to think but a second to know
exactly why you received this message today.

-- Neale


Diwant Vaidya on 12/15/2008 7:23 PM said...

I loved both of these. My thoughts exactly. Nice, Parvez!

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